Wednesday, May 12, 2010

In the Beginning...

I kept telling myself that I would probably never have a blog, but here we are. If you are reading this and you know me, then you probably realize that this is something that I am going to have to be intentional about because writing isn't something that comes as naturally to me as it does to say... my wife. But nonetheless, I can promise you my new readers that I will be faithful not only in posting new blogs, but posting new blogs that will occasionally be interesting, fun, or possibly even thought provoking!

Since this this is my first post, I am going to go ahead and address the title of this blog. "At the end of the day" is, in my opinion, quite possibly one of the most overused phrases I hear. I watch a good amount of TV and it is used a lot. One show on ESPN (let's be honest, I will probably be referencing sports quite a bit) even has a 30 second montage of different athletes saying it. I hear it at least once a day, whether I am watching some show on E! that my wife likes, the Food Network, or the local news. At the end of the day I have heard that phrase at least once. I'm not sure why it drives me slightly nuts, but recently some folks found out that it irked me, and they started using it every chance they got. Maybe that's why I got out of youth ministry... just kidding!!! 

Seriously though I just found a great link that proves my point! And if the Brits think it's irritating... well it has to be! 

Ok I promise that I won't rant very often on here, but now you know why the blog is called what it is. I realize that this phrase isn't something that I will be able to get away from, so I have decided to turn its power for evil into a power for good. Now, every time I hear those 6 little words, I will think, "Oooh I should blog!" And, maybe you will think, "I should read Brian's blog!" 

Welcome to my blog that is now about subliminal messaging.


Lonnie and Dana Brawley said...

Brian what church do you pastor? I'm a Pastor near Richmond, VA. I created a blog today. I just happened to find yours. I'm from Texas, went to Howard Payne University and Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. How long have you been pastoring? I also served in youth ministry for over 20 yrs, now I'm planting a church.

Brian Joiner said...

I am helping plant a church as well! The name of the church is Living Stones ( ). I went to Texas A&M and was in youth ministry for the past 3 years full time, and before that was a volunteer for 5 years. I don't have any formal theological training but plan on doing so soon.

The blog has only been up for a day and already I am making friends! May God bless you, your family, and your church!

the blogivers said...

At the end of the day, I'm glad you're doing a blog! Haha me so funny :)

Tim Barnes, CLU said...

We live here in Richmond, TX. My son just graduated from TAMU last Friday. I went to Tennessee Temple University and graduated with a B.A. in Bible with minors in speech and Christian psychology. I spent 6 years as a youth/associate pastor. I learned that was not what our Lord had called me to. I have been an insurance agent for 23 years now.

I pray for you to have wisdom as you plant the church. I will be looking for updates on your blog to see how things are going for you.

If the pressures of full time church work start to get to you, call me for lunch. Unlike most other insurance agents, I do not talk a lot. The ministry taught me to listen.

Also, one of the bits of wisdom that I remember Dr. Faulkner sharing in practicle Church Ministry class is, "Make friends outside of your church. Remember, the people in your church need to look up to you and not accuse you of playing favorites."

If you need a friend outside of the church I'm just a phone call or email away. You can get my contact information at my web site.

Brian Joiner said...

Tim, thanks so much for the kind words! I would enjoy having lunch with you sometime. Maybe soon? Hope to hear from you some more!