Sunday, May 16, 2010

The Best Intentions

Have you ever planned something out so carefully and thoughtfully only to have it not turn out as you had hoped? I'm not talking about just thinking about something ahead of time, or even just formulating a plan. I am talking about some SERIOUS preparation. Preparation like planning for a few hours every week for a couple of months. That is what I did.

I am sort of a serial obsessor. I get obsessed with things for a while - as long as I am interested in them. Not simply having interest in something, but taking it to the point where I know more than most regular people ever need to know about something.

Here is where I tell you that I play fantasy sports. Plural. I am currently in fantasy baseball season, and it is driving me crazy. I planned my season out in February, and it is NOT going according to plan. I did all the projections, had the best laid plans, but they are falling flat, and it is frustrating. I won't go into details about my team on here unless someone comments and wants to know what it looks like, but just know that they are underperforming (I need more RBIs and Runs!).

Which gets me back to my main thought - it stinks when you plan and plan only to have those plans fail. I really believe that those times in our lives that our plans fail are preparing us for something further down the road. Something where that preparation will pay off. Something where our efforts won't seem to go to waste. The bottom line is that we can't be afraid of failing. Although my team isn't doing so hot, it is fun trying to come up with trade scenarios to make them better.

The bottom line is that we can't be afraid of failure. I believe that we need to have the courage to go out on a limb sometimes and always do the best we can even if our plans fall through. A year ago I never would have guessed that I would quit my job with a salary and a free house to do something where I wouldn't have an income for a while AND pick up a house note. But I am not afraid. My courage doesn't come from knowing that we are planning really hard for this church plant. My courage doesn't come from knowing that we have some money saved and we are going to be ok. My courage comes form the Lord.

2 Timothy 1:7
For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline. 

1 Peter 3:13-14
Who is going to harm you if you are eager to do good? But even if you should suffer for what is right, you are blessed. "Do not fear what they fear; do not be frightened." 

Deuteronomy 31:6
Be strong and of good courage, do not fear nor be afraid of them; for the LORD your God, He is the One who goes with you. He will not leave you nor forsake you. 

I know that I know that. I just need to keep reminding myself. Now Lord, help me figure out what I should do with my second baseman....

P.S. My fantasy baseball pick-up of the week for hitters is Brennan Boesch and for pitchers is Jhoulys Chacin!


the blogivers said...

Preach it, Preacher! (But sewiously, I liked post numero dos.)

Beth said...

Good word, Brian!

The Joiners said...

I'm so sorry that your fantasy season is not going according to plan... but I have to ask... does this mean the season will end any faster?!? :)

TIB Marketing said...

Been there and done that. Someplace I am certain we have the T-shirt. It is easy to tell others but hard to practice. As they said in my generation, "Keep the faith, brother."